Square Lake Water Flow and Biology

Watershed Overview

The Square Lake watershed is fed largely through groundwater.  Groundwater flows from the north and west through Terrapin, Mays, and Clear Lakes.  There is sufficient groundwater inflow to more than equal the surface outlet at the Square Lake County Park.


Daphnia & Water Clarity

The Daphnia research in Square Lake goes back to Judy Helgen’s highly regarded 1982 University of Minnesota PhD dissertation thesis: Helgen, Judith C.(1982): Effects of Crowding on Reproduction and Feeding Rates in the Cladoceran Daphnia Pulex Leydig.

Flash forward to 2021, for Professor Leif Hembre’s latest published study of Daphnia in Square Lake, which was recently accepted for publication in the journal BIOS: Hembre, L, K., Henneck, A., and G. Simoke (2021): Outcome of competition between two Daphnia species in the absence of predators laboratory experiment findings support field observations.



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